Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Hiera X Zed story: the final chapters

Chapter 8:
Dead Man’s Dance: Pt. 2
The blood on our hands is the wine.... while we offer a sacrifice......

I was walking through Robés’s mansion. It was rather larger on the inside than on the outside. Zed still had a hold on my arm, I could easily tell that he was nervous. The same black, orange, and red lanterns hung in this supposed ‘lord’s’ home. I felt like this was some sort of Templar Halloween dance, and Shinji was silently asking me if Robés was a goth, like me or Zed. I told my little cousin that I hadn’t the slightest idea.
Zed steered me and Shinji toward a humongous, cherry wood, open door that lead outside to the outside. The same coloured lanterns were handing across to trees or tall, golden rods up to 15 ft. in the air. A tiled dance floor lay under the lights, where at least most of Templar was dancing, gossiping, and just plain-old getting drunk. Shinji automatically looked at the site in growing wonder. I trusted him enough to let him run off and find a dance partner his age.
Out of the commotion, a man with platinum blond hair that went down to AT LEAST the small of his back with stone-grey eyes topped with a faint layer of blue eye shadow walked up. He studied me a bit moment longer than necessary, which made me feel a bit uncomfortable. The man then made a polite bow, his right hand going over his left side. I saw that his index finger, middle finger, and thumb were enveloped in a black stone.
“A pleasure to see you, Zed Remus,” he was French “And what a beautiful fillette you have with you.”
Zed glared at the man coldly. Oh, the tension in the air was so thick, you could cut it with a sword! To tease Zed, he took my right had and tried to politely kiss it. I snapped my hand back, managing to hit his face at an angle so he could get my point.
“AND, she even acts as anti-social as you!” he laughed “A perfect pair! Oh, Monsuiree Remus, your face is desperately red!”
I took an amused look at Zed. He was blushing, but I felt a warmth in my cheeks, as well. The feeling wasn’t familiar, almost like placing you hand in the sun accidentally without knowing. Then again, I only stayed out in the sun for short periods at a time. My eyes took a look over the Blonde's shoulder. I saw Shinji with a young girl, dancing to the slightly cheerful, but equally very Gothic music. A small feeling of jealousy was aroused in my gut. Shinji’s words of ‘Cousin Hiera is mine’ replayed in my conscience.
“Hiera,” Zed said irritatedly “This annoying devil is Robés Vernodette. He’s supposedly a good warrior, but I’ve kicked his playing-ass a few times.”
“Ah! Hiera, what a lovely name,” Robés sighed “She must be from Hollowel, then. Her accent tells me it all; how it sounds Australian and adamant! Will you marry me, Young Hiera?”
Zed balled up his fists, I was a bit eager to see my ‘date’ get in a fight again. His last little brawls with Zora weren’t so exciting, considering that Zed probably hasn’t dealt with werewolf ass-kicking power. In deeper thought, I thought that he’d never get to do it. Fight Zora fairly, I mean.
Robés held up his hands defensively, sowing the male goth he meant to only tease. He told us to enjoy the dance, then walked off to a bundle of young girls who were practically drooling over him. I raised an eyebrow as I watched the duke-like man walk away.
“Is he...?” I began
“A ‘Lady’s Man’?” Zed finished “Yes. Worst part is, girls actually like him.”
He squeezed my arm lovingly, making a shiver move down my back.
“But, at least you don’t.” he chuckled
He pulled me softly to the dance floor. A song, I recognized from the Queen of the Damned soundtrack came on. It was by a pianist, and I liked the song a lot. Zed, most likely distant to the art of waltz, took my right hand in his left, then wrapped his arm around my waist. He tried as best he could to act like he knew what he was doing. After almost stepping on my spiked combat boots, I took a hold of him, myself.
“Okay, this isn’t working so well,” I laughed “Try dancing like this,”
I pulled him in toward me, the slightly pushed him away, taking two steps back, two steps forward, repeating. Zed got the hang of it after a minute-or-so, and I found myself dancing with him as if we’d been doing it for centuries. The next song was already playing; ‘Magnolia’ by Suilen.
I was having many thoughts about revenge, demons, bounty hunting, and why the wind had no colour (for some reason) in my head. There was one point where I thought about vampires when Zed had spun me around once while we were still dancing. The word ‘murder’ flashed in my head, which made me frown a bit.
“What’s wrong?” Zed asked, slowing down the already calm-paced dance we were engaged in.
I didn’t want to spoil the plan Zora and Jackal had considering while Sienec was torturing me with a bosstea. Instead of that, I quickly thought of a question in my mind that alarmed me on the inside.
“Do think Zora hangs out with me for a reason?” I asked
Inside, my inner voice was scolding me, yelling at me, and cursing me. He looked at me with a look of worry and concern. His green eyes kept me quiet until he responded.
“What? Zora?” he said puzzlingly “Why did you think of him?”
I hate when people answer questions with another question. It just confuses others to a large scale and no one can lie to get out of it. Unfortunately, I was one of those people.
“Well, he’s always hanging around me when he knows that he’s only like a brother to me,” this was the truth, as well “He’s always trying to keep me form going into a bounty hu- I mean- search missions alone, and tries to be gothic when I know he’s really a major Jock inside.”
Zed loosened his grip on my hand and waist. A look of understanding was in his revealing eyes. He must’ve thought that I loved Zora, and Zora loved me. I myself didn’t know at all what went through Zora’s mind. But I knew I didn’t love Zora of all people. To secretly tell Zed I didn’t like my wolf-blooded friend, I held onto his hand and squeezed his shoulder.
“So, did you just come with me out of pity?” he whispered “You only came to toy with me, Hiera?”
“No, I did-” I paused. That was why I came!
I swore and let go of Zed, I walked away toward the exit. Robés took notice and followed after me. I ripped off the necklace I had around my neck and threw it into the bushes. I had a black glove on my right hand, in which the finger section was cut away from the rest of the glove. I took the part on my wrist in my mouth and tore the glove off, swearing and cursing like a sailor with a bad temper. next, I moved my hand to the bosstea around my waist and tried to loosen the black ribbon.
God-damned Sienec tied it too tight! I was moving through the streets of Templar, seizing Himetsuru from its sheath. I was nearing the bridge when I decided to walk across it and slice the entire bridge down. I was storming by the wooden planks, Himetsuru raised high over my head. I was about to strike with my sword down through the rope, until I remembered Shinji! I dropped my sword and ran across the bridge, back into Templar for my little cousin as if his life depended on it!
As I got at least 34 meters from Robés’s mansion, I was running fast, I was caught by Zed. He grabbed me around my waist, stopping me from moving. I struggled, having a sense of deja-vû, and ordered him to release me. He ignored my snapping and pulled me in front of him.
“Why are you so damn sensitive?” he growled
“Because I’m pissed-off!” I hissed back
Zed placed his hands on my shoulders and yanked me closer to him.
“No, I mean you tend to run when something doesn’t go as you planned!” Zed shouted
I fell silent. Looking back on everything, I did tend to move away from something when it didn’t go by my book. For example, when I ran out of Templar because I was framed and about to be arrested for killing Roia. THAT was a major burn, dudes. Also, there was a time when I had refused to become royalty. That was when my Great Uncle Larten had took me in. Why? Because Mum had died, I was seven, and I was ordered in the army. To top it off, I figured out that my father was a demon, making me half-demon. What a fucking awesome life.
“Why does a human like you care?” I sighed “Besides, you don’t even know me as much as you’d like to say. Just let me go so I can get my cousin.”
Zed lowered his head, muttering something. I turned away from him, walking toward Robés’s home to get Shinji. He grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him.
Shocked, I tried to shove him away, but it was no use. His lips were already against my own.

Chapter 9

See You In Your Dreams
Maybe it will become a nightmare.....

I was in shock all the while he was kissing me, in fact, I wasn’t given the warning to close my eyes. I didn’t know how to react, what to think, etc.! It felt like my head was filling up with smoke and that I would die any second!
After a long minute, I was released. Yet, I couldn’t move worth a damn. My face was red, my head was clouded, and Zed was smiling at me.
“Good reaction. It means you like me too,” he blushed “I’m sorry I took you by surprise, I just didn’t want you to leave so quickly.”
“So you kissed me?” I croaked
Zed wrapped his arms around me tightly. The bosstea wreaked its revenge on me by making me gasp. He noticed the ‘item that royalty wears‘ thing around my waist. He loosened one of the ribbons, which allowed me to breath more.
“Who’s trying to kill you?” He laughed
“Shinji’s goveness, and what a heartless bitch she is!”
He loosened another ribbon on the bosstea, which was more than necessary. Zed said something about bossteas being cruel and unusual punishment. I was able to breath more, but the bosstea was free from my waist. Well, it was still on my dress, but it was loosened a bit. I thanked him for his help, and ended up getting hugged again. The feeling I got earlier returned to me, and I moved back.
“Now you’re acting strange,” he pointed out “Are you thinking about Zora?”
I was, but not in that way. Other than that, I was thinking about when the party would end so Jackal and Zora could come with me. Did I really want to disturb the peace in Templar just to settle the score? Did I want to ruin the charming smile on Zed’s face? Part of me said I had to, the other said that Templar owed me for killing an innocent girl, but the final part said that it was only the Elders who ruined my plans.
“No, I’m not thinking about him at all,” I responded
Zed held both of my hands lovingly. A feeling of annoyance and happiness appeared. He asked me if I wanted to go back to the dance. I had looked over my shoulder to see if Zora and Jackal still lay in the bushes. I shook my head, saying that I had business to do.
“But Hiera,” Zed sighed “I took you with me for reason. I need to tell you something.”
“You love me?” I said, rolling my eyes
“Yes,” he said, optimistically “But, it’s about Templar. Roia really was supposed to be killed by you, but-”
Zed was stopped by a hand out of he darkness. A knife was pressed against his throat. He dug his elbow in his attacker’s stomach, which made them release him. Zed pulled away, the knife slightly skimming his neck, beads of blood dripping from his throat like small rubies. He reached in his overcoat and pulled out a black-handled dagger.
“When the fuck did you get a knife?” I shouted while taking out my 4 ft. long sword.
“Not the time, Lovely!” he growled
Whoever was assaulting us, I ran at them with Himetsuru about to strike. The person countered my attack with a short sword. Sparks flew, and I felt a tug in my arm, then pain. Ignoring it, I tore my sword away and aimed for their stomach. They took a step forward, revealing armour on most of the assailant’s body. A black, white, and red ceramic mask was on his (or her) face, and a long, red cloak. I let lightning flow through my body, entering through my nerves, them leaving the electrons of my skin. My hand shot out and grabbed the mask. My lightning put a large crack through the mask, and the person yelled in pain.
Using my half-demon strength, I ripped the mask off, breaking it like a paper-thin stone in my hands. Zed gasped when he saw the face, it wasn’t even a normal gasp, it was more like a mad-as-hell gasp. I was even on the verge of ripping Robés’s intestines out when I saw it was him.

The blond assassin tried to cover his face with one hand, then, charging at Zed, used the other hand to drive his sword into his ribcage. He yelled in terrible pain, coughing up blood. I felt as though I was loosing conscience as I saw the young man fall to the ground, bleeding as though it would never stop flowing. I roared in fury and speed-ran to Robés, slashing my sword into his leg, which knocked him down. I succeeded in scratching his forearm, which was my next target after he dodged my stab to his stomach. Robés was a bit angry about the scar that would be left on his arm, but I knew his leg would heal in time.
I was pushed to the ground, so I took Robés down with me, digging my claws into his arms. Blood spurted up into my face and on my hands, the traitor stabbed me in the forearm with a short dagger, which fueled my rage. I dug my knees into his gut, chest, any where that would hurt him. My sword was stuck in the ground, so I reached out for it as Robés got a few free shots to my stomach. I pulled away, clutching Himetsuru in my arms. I didn’t have the time to keep attacking Robés the Jack-ass, I needed to save the dying Zed.
I successfully got on my knees and turned around with Himetsuru, ready to gain victory over this battle. Something cut my chest deeply. Blood spurted from somewhere.
Was it from Robés? No, it was my own blood. He had pierced the center of my chest, the center that held my weak-point.
I ignored what had just happened, and swerved around him, reaching for Zed as I bled out the last of my blood. Too late, my legs gave in, I fell next to him, grabbing only his hand, which had reached out for me. His eyes were closed, I feared he was already dead. Maybe I was dying, too. I couldn’t feel anything, and my vision was blurring as if I were underwater.
Then, I did what anyone would do in this situation.... I fell into the Eternal Abyss, the Leaving of the Soul.... Death.

Chapter 10

Nothing Can Be Explained
The Grim Reaper asked for my hand, he was sitting in his dark ferry, ready
To take me to hell......Someone called for me as the ferry left. An Angel flew down,
And took me in its arms, bringing me back to life. The Grim Reaper cheered as I
Begged to return to my Fated demise.

I woke up, gasping for air. My chest was bound up with gauze, a fresh one. I was livid, and wondering where I was. I closed my eyes and focused on the darkness in my mind. It was calming, and I turned my head limply to the left. The door had iron bars. Damnit. I’m screwed, I thought. My cloak was still with me, and I was still wearing my black tank top. I thanked the Gods for that.
Smelling the air, I realized I didn’t have any of my enhanced senses. The Templar police must’ve injected me with some kind of anti-stimulant. As if I were insane, I started laughing for at least thirty seconds. What the hell did I find funny? It may have been the fact that those jack-asses Zora and Jackal didn’t try to save me. Or the fact the Zed had died.
I was sad that he died. He was such a wonderful man. So lovely and goth. He was so my type, he was so awesome. Why in the hell did Robés have to kill him? Why didn’t I kill Robés? I sat up and found myself whispering his name (Zed’s name, Smarties, not Robés’s!).
My sword was gone, the samurai sword that had saved my ass on several occasions was in the hands of Templar. I hated this town. It was so jank and untrustworthy.
A short, old man with a long, grey beard came down the hallway. I knew this dink. His name was Jiko, he was one of the village Elders. He had a staff in the shape of a dragon crossing its arms. I shot him a ‘I’ll-kill-you,-you-asshole’ glare as he neared the only thing keeping me form ripping out his throat, my cell.
He looked at me with a brave face, not realizing he was close enough for me to reach out and claw out his stupid, bold eyes.
“Hiera Longbout, the Murder Prince, the infamous Black Ace bounty hunter,” he recognized “You came to Templar in search of a bounty. Little Roia happened to be this town’s fugitive. Some people say your a pure demon, others say your the next Joan of Ark. Which is it?”
“I’m not stupid,” I said sarcastically “You’re interrogating me. You killed Zed, too....or at least Robés did. I’m not going to answer anything you tricksters hace to say.”
I squeezed my left hand, not looking at the mini Santa Claus before me. By squeezing my hand, I thought I could feel Zed’s hand clamped to mine before he died. The way the light left his eyes, how much blood there was.
“His death was not master Robés’s doing, it was his own,” Jiko snapped
My humanity broke, and I lashed out at the sage, slashing at him with my sharp nails. He took one step back, avoiding my lethal scratches. He jabbed his staff at me, hitting me in the stomach. I dry-heaved, then stopped my frenzy.
“His body was taken by two werewolves, one was white, the other black and grey with a sword on his back almost the size of himself,” Jiko continued “Do you know who they are? Where are you from? Who do you work for?”
I answered none of the questions, instead, I had casually rested myself on the top stone bed and was pretending to sleep. Jiko had shown no signs of becoming irritated, he had a strong will. The questions went on for at least a half-an-hour. It was tiring, and boring. I noticed I was getting sadder the more I thought about Zed’s death, though something in me said I didn’t care. The thought pestered me for a while, drowning out the sound of Jiko’s interrogation. After fifteen minutes, I asked the questions.
“Old Fold,” I raised my voice “Why was Zed killed? I demand you to answer me or, so help me, I’ll break through this and give you a fate worse than death!”
Jiko looked down at his feet. I saw there was something sad in his mismatched eyes.
He let out a pitiful sigh, “He was like my son. Robés and the other Council members promised me he wouldn’t be killed like Roia was. In fact, Zed was an illegal immigrant, too. He wasn’t from Templar, and we couldn’t let them be tolerated. Robés was ordered to kill him, and you if you ever came back.”
A fire burned in me. I lashed out once more, throwing myself off the stone-cold prison bed.
“That’s a god-damned retarded reason to kill a person!” I shouted “Why not just send them out, damnit? I swear, Hell won’t even except this town when it hears the evils that take place!
“Zed better get a funeral, he’s a good man. He never did anything to deserve being killed... He was loved by Roia so he had to die with her? Bull, man...insanity. Oh, damn. What an awful place I’ve put myself in!”
I stepped away, turning my back to the Elder. I gritted my teeth together, staring at a blank wall. I cursed myself for not being more careful! If I just didn’t come come into this town, maybe Zed and roia would still be alive. I’m sure hell didn’t even want m at that moment.
Jiko ignored my depression and continued with his questions. I refused to answer every one. Determined that if I did, it would give time for Zora and Jackal to save me. I really wanted revenge on this evil place, now. I wanted to punish all of the Elder who dared kill someone just for the reason that they weren’t Templar people. If I was let out of this cell, someone would get hurt, badly, and I wouldn’t have the will power to stop until I had reached my goal; avenge Roia and Zed.

It had been a few weeks since being imprisoned. I had kept my sanity, but I was equally getting over Zed’s death. Jiko had told me I had to answer his questions if I ever wanted to leave, I refused every offer those scum had to give me. I even lost the hope that Zora even cared about me. Let alone if Jackal was even thinking about his comrade. I was alone, and rotting in a cell (Oaky, that was extreme, but it felt that way). My memory of everything in Templar was fading, except for being put in prison.
I’m as confusing as the Cheshire Cat, but as mad as the Mad Hatter. Always have been, always will. One night, I was laying on my hard mattress, staring up at the ceiling. I was wondering why I was there, and just thinking about Shinji. Was he OK? If they so much as even TOUCHED Shinji, there would be worlds to pay, hell to be unleashed.
I heard faint screams outside. The sound of metal clanking, dogs howling. Wait a tick, dogs don’t have a howl that prolongs into a human cheer. I sprang out f my bed and ran to the bars keeping me in. Footsteps ran toward me, and I was breathing quickly. My heart skipped a beat when Zora appeared before me, scrambling to unlock the door.
“Oh, my Gods, Hiera!” he laughed “The pound got a hold of us! How you been?”
He opened the door and I hugged him for dear life, making sure this wasn’t some insane dream. No, it wouldn’t be a dream if Zora had picked me up and spun me around. That was too real.
“I’ve been awesome,” I replied snidely “Just sitting in my cage, getting chewed out by old folds!”
Jackal came up behind him, still in wolf form. He was carrying a bell in the shape of a skeleton. I knew what that was, it was a bell that turned him human again when he wanted to. The werewolf grabbed me around the shoulders and hoisted me up for the tightest wolf/bear hug in a lifetime. His pearl white fangs flashed as he laughed hysterically, choking the air out of me.
“What’s up, Hun?” he chuckled “Damn, glad to see you out of that retarded dress! When did you change? A week or so ago?”
As much as I wanted to, I had no time to chat with them, we had to get out of Templar, fast. While running out, I noticed they had killed the guards of the prison. High praises were coming their way as soon as we got back to Helfia.
Before leaving the city forever, I stopped at the end of the bridge, and looked out to where Zed had kissed me.
“I’m sorry, Zed. I couldn’t save you, but at least I got to fall in love with you. Damn, that was stupid,” I laughed
I set down the one thing I had to remember him, the black ribbon on my bosstea.

(NO! WAIT!!!!! There’s another chapter! Come back, YOU NEED IIIITTT!!!!!!!!!!!!) D:

Chapter 11:
Kimi no Muni Kyun
This was three years later......

I was 20 by now. Still single, I didn’t remember why, though. Something in me said there was no other person I could be with than whoever my conscience said. Whatever that meant! My hair was still short and purple, but I’d made the tips pitch black. Jackal, Zora, and I became an infamous bounty hunting group known as Black Devil Ace. We were hired for at least fifty jobs a month.
Shinji grew up in the three years to take over the throne of Hollowel as Prince. He’s never stopped calling me Coussy, and broke his promise to me by finding a cute little girlfriend named Michelle. Sienec had a daughter named Angela, she looked exactly like her!
Templar was excluded from the entire Council, and their Elders were banished from Hollowel. A better government is run there, now. There’s at least more peace there. As for that traitor Robés, the Meridian police found him guilty for theft and murder on several occasions.
Now, I’m here in my mansion, living with all of my buddies here in Helfia. Its pretty peaceful, cross-off that I fight and travel all the time.
But at the moment, I’m in Taske, kicking some Viper-Hound ass;

The Viper Hound that was pursuing me took a bite into my sword. Its tongue was touching the blade, which gave me the perfect strike to cut its head clean off. The head rolled away from me, and another hound was upon me. Jackal grabbed one with his bare hands and crushed its chest, like a rag doll. Zora was able to turn fully werewolf, and he was doing the same as Jackal.
One dived at me, roaring wildly. I swung my sword in the air, cutting it in half from the waist. Thinking that the Hounds may be attacking us because we were after them, I readied my sword and spoke to the Hound I had cut down.
“Don’t get angry,” I said “I just want the bounty on your heads!”
I whipped my sword through the air, flicking the blood off. I yelled for the Hounds to come at me. I kneed one in its stomach, knocking it down. As it got back up, I had thrown my knife in its yellow eye. It howled and struggled to take the blade out with its claws.
Zora turned human and used his massive sword to chop off the head of the Viper Hound before it assaulted me. After it seemed we may have won, a few ran off. The final three we needed to rid Taske of.
“We got runners, Ra!” Jackal pointed out
“Then head after them! Luckily they have big paws to leave trails!” I responded
The two Lupines ran after them, leaving me alone. I sheathed my trusty Himetsuru and studied the area beyond. Those two could handle the Viper Hounds without me, but I could sense I wasn’t alone.
I spun around, listening carefully around me. Back in the forest about a twelve meters away, I heard someone running out. Smelling, the scent wasn’t anyone I knew. I was on the edge of a plateau, which was the reason why the forest wasn’t far off. I set my hand on Himetsuru’s hilt, ready to strike.
I was listening closer, the footsteps could be heard, even if you didn’t have sharp hearing. I could see the figure vaguely, and pulled out my sword at lightning speed, stopping only a half a millimeter from the being’s face.
His green eyes widened in panic, staring at the blade. He had a sword of his own on his back, it had a red hilt and a crimson blade. He had a long, red trench coat. His hair was grey and long. He was actually pretty attractive. Something about him drew me towards him. The man’s green eyes brought back something in my conscience.
He was breathing heavily, as though he had been running for several weeks with no stop. I didn’t blame him, he almost got his face chopped up by my sword!
“ you!” he panted
I lowered my sword a fraction. He was looking into my own eyes, making me feel nervous. I gave him one of my most paralyzing stares, in hopes he’s feel threatened by me.
“Who are you?” I tested “Answer me truthfully.”
I gave him time to catch his breath. The moon and how it shined made me think back in time. Why did he look so damn familiar?
“You don’t recognize me, Hiera?” he was still short of breath
I shook my head, then turned my blade so that it was under his chin and touching his jugular vein. I told him I’d never seen someone with white hair like him in my life. The man was at least my age, maybe a year older or younger. His eyes were the biggest thing in my remembrance. They made me feel excited to leave or hurt him.
“Uh, this sucks,” he laughed nervously “Will you recognize this?”
He leaned in toward me and tried to kiss me. I slapped him hard and cut his lower arm. He flinched back, clutching his slash mark. This time, I was a bit pissed off. He got closer, landing a perfect kiss on my cheek. I gasped, pulling away like a young school girl.
“Ra-ra,” he cooed “Does that bosstea still hurt at all?”
The years came back, I remembered everything. From one of the missions I had in Templar, to the dance, then the boy who called me Goth Chick.
I wrapped my arms around Zed and hung on to him as if he would die again if I didn’t. He was hugging me tighter to him, and I was losing air, as before. Zed had grown up, a lot! He was handsomer, his hair was longer, and when did he get a giant sword with a skull on top?
I was laughing madly, running my fingers through his new, long hair. Zed was spinning me around in his arms, as if he thought this was a dream, too.
“Ah, you made your hair black and purple?” Zed asked, surprised “And why are you dressed up like a butler? How goth did you get in three years?”
I wasn’t eager to let go of him, but I did back away from him enough so we could make eye contact. It was true, my outfit was a butler outfit. I had thought to myself that I fought better when I looked like Sebastian from Kuroshitsuji.

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